The Bat

The Bat, Photography
The Bat
I got this tattoo recently, and it is the first one that I created with my artist rather then getting something off a flash sheet. It's also my first large tattoo, for me this tattoo represents me taking my life into my own hands. My entire life I've either lived with very conservative family that never allowed me to do anything to express myself. Wasn't allowed to do my makeup a certain way, wear certain colors, do anything "not normal" to my hair and the list goes on, or I lived with toxic people that tried to drag me down for being myself. For many years I was with someone who always made me feel awful for wanting tattoos, I left him. I'm 24 now, I live alone and I just now feel like I can do whatever I want without judgement, so what did I do? I got the tattoo I thought I could only dream about. It's my favorite piece, bats are the cutest animals in my opinion and at the top are carnation flowers, I wonder if you can guess which type of carnations? Getting it hurt like hell, but every time I look at my bat I smile. Right now I like the name Draven for my little bat.
